
Facebreaker ~ Modeling, Texturing and Lighting

Facebreaker shipped on Sept. 5th, 2008. It is a new franchise for EA which I was lucky enough to contribute to during pre-production and early production before I left for maternity leave. I modeled and textured props and backgrounds for 2 environments and I also lit an early environment. Check out the official website.

I modeled, textured, and arranged the props for the boxing gym environment.

Here is an example of one of the props, textured and displaying the Lightmap UVs. The chair UVs were organized into clean shells so they could easily be copied and arranged into Lightmap UVs. We relied on occlusion maps for adding edge details and contact shadows, and we created spec maps and normal maps on particular items that needed the extra surface details.

With Lighting...

I modeled and textured props for the custom car garage. I also worked on the initial lighting pass. The environments for Facebreaker were all lit entirely with lightmaps.